Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Summer Night: The Trampoline

The lantern was dim next to the trampoline. I was lying down on the warm summer night looking up at the stars, letting my mind go blank and thinking of nothing except for this endless summer and all the journeys to come. I look forward to every second of life and close my eyes, beginning to sing "Seasons of Love", my favorite song that we sung in 8th grade choir.
I start to picture riding my Baby Blue Cruiser with the tan wicker basket filled with books and my swim stuff through town to the pool. The second I see the water I jump in with my striped green bikini on and float to the bottom, embracing the water. When it's time for me to go I think of all of my options: sitting around a campfire in a lawn chair with my friends roasting marshmallows, wearing shorts and wrapped in a blanket. Or perhaps a movie with my summer romance or my friends.
The next day I'll ride through town in my RayBan's, Vans, and any other piece of summer clothing I'll be wearing that day to get ice cream with my best friend, or running to catch the bus to the mall.
All the perks of summer, of being free, just skimmed my mind. As I opened my eyes I smile, knowing that it was the thoughts of what was to come that made the summer endless.

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