Lately I've been thinking about the civilization of High School Bohemians. I know what you're thinking and Yes, they do exist. Try to convince me otherwise and I can name about 50 plus people who are proud citizens who are either completely unconscious of what a Bohemian is or they weren't aware there was a name for who we are, or they could be like my friend and know exactly what it is and would yell "Bohemia isn't Dead!!!" True Story. Back to Important Matters: I've been thinking of a novel that describes the lives of 6 teenagers who are indeed Bohemians. But the real question I have is: what does it mean to be a Bohemian? A poor, artist who has yet to make their mark on the world? Or just someone of the Artistic Community who feels misunderstood? Personally I think it means, in as few words as possible: You like Art, Literature, Dancing, what have you, no money, and in my case, a "disgrumbled" (a word of Haley's that I quite enjoy using) teen who is stuck here and feels misunderstood times 10... perhaps not as few words as possible but it will do.
Lets try this:
Katie's Dictionary
Bohemian:poor, misunderstood, artistic, teenager who is on the verge of either 1. a rant or 2. running away, far away.
Katie's Dictionary... okay that's not a bad idea, I might have to write a post for that....
Alright so this basically may not make the most sense and might sound like I'm rambling to some of you but I need to think and I'm lacking a pen and paper so I rest my case here for you all to read.
Think About It...
P.S I think when I start HS I might start either another blog or an alternate column piece thing on this one relating to school called
1. Bohemia or 2. Sex, Drugs, and Cupcakes (if there's a copyright on that that I don't know about, would someone please tell me now??)
leave a comment saying which I should do Thanks :)
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