Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Delaney's Quiz :)
Let's not judge shall we???
1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
2. Who are you in love with?
No one
Jk Taylor Lautner, but that's only cuz of his abs!
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes. This sheet of paper that has a number of an animal shelter/kennel place that I wish would call back saying that they found my cat already!
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Oh damn, has it really been two months? That's okay I'm going on a spree in about a month! :)
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't, dad does. But when I start to drive... No... :'(
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
Last weekend for softball
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
HARRY POTTER 7 in about a month!!!!!!! :D :D
10. Are you hot?
I don't think so but lately I've been hearing things that I'm questioning...
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Cherry Capri Sun
12. What are you wearing right now?
Hollister Tee, and jeans. and undergarments, of course.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
i don't own a car (YET) but car wash. I'm lazy :P
14. Last food that you ate?
...frozen cookie dough.
Teehee :)
15. Where were you last week at this time?
probably sitting on my ass on the comp, because I have no life. OH WAIT I'm doing that now!
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Nope. Cuz I broke.
17. When is the last time you ran?
Yesterday. And I'm going to have to today. And tomorrow. And ALOT the next day. And the day after that, and after that... Then I take a break on Sunday and then I do it all over again. Sounds fun huh?!
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Watched??? Pfft, I play! :) (softball)
19. What is your favorite animal?
penguins, fox, and panthers
20. Your dream vacation?
21. Last person's house you were in?
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
Sprained ankle. That still hurts when ever it's low pressure out
23. Have you been in love?
No. Infatuation is a pretty powerful thing though
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Katie A., Shay, Bree, Daddy, Kitty and my aunt
25. Last play you saw?
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
witty humour :) Idk I'm not all that experienced in that area of work lol. I think you can tell be how much I blog and complain about how my life is full of school and softball.
I have other ways but I don't think they need to be listed ;)
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Softball. Read. Write. Draw. Sleep.
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
MySpace??? Ummm don't have one of those.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
FLORIDA!!!!!! :D
30. Ever go to camp?
besides the one I work at five minutes away? No.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Yep and still am!
32. What do you want to know about the future?
...Oh geez. Uh: boyfriend, Paris, college/F.I.T/ wedding dress/ career/ best selling novelist??
..wait do I only get one question??
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
No. That sh*t burns my eyes!!!! but I would wear Pink with the purple cap if I had that money...
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
I hope not! I've been to the Doc's twice this year! That's good enough for me!
35. Where is your best friend(s)?
Seattle, Utah, New Hampshire, and here
36. How is your best friend?
idk about the first two, sad, and idk good i guess
37. Do you have a tan?
Ha! honey please I was pale before Twilight made it cool :P although I have a Sophie's tan!
38. What are you listening to right now?
Pump It
39. Do you collect anything?
B.A Pens
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
I'm afraid I cannot say that otherwise I will become the gossiper.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
Not me, but Washington State in August
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Not in a LONG time.
43. What does your last text message say?
probably K. my phone is dead at my mom's
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Not really
45. Last time you took a shower?
Yesterday/ tonight
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Ha no thank god
47. What is your heritage?
Scottish Irish German English Welsh, and that's only on my dad's side...
48. Are you someone's best friend?
Yep! :)
49. Are you rich?
...in life... and... stuff...
just not money:P
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Sleeping, which is unusual
Well there you have it. Nothing else comes to mind I'm afraid, seeing how I don't have pictures or material handy, but more tomorro.... whenever I can :) Byeeeeeeeeee
Monday, September 27, 2010
Body Art: Clothes and Ink.
I restore your mother's faith in women
...? Idk, it was both feminine and questionable. But whatever.
So today was boring and epically frustrating seeing how math just ALWAYS puts me in a bad mood.
Yet I made it through the day with ease, I'm planning on designing and writing some tonight, posting is most likely in the future.
I'm just wondering something though, due to an idea I have for a story and a conversation that we had at lunch that lead on into science:
I'm just like curious. I'm not talking grimy, gritty ones you get when your drunk or just for the sake of getting one. I mean BEAUTIFUL tattoos that our symbolic and spiritual and like, out of my curiosity, are they necessary?
I'm just curious... Mom don't go freaking out, I'm just wondering, not saying I would get one... Well okay maybe, but small and inconspicuous, or at least small... Don't go judging!!
I do not know where I'm going with this, but I do know that I need to quit writing and go to my mom's work to get my softball gear and then off to practice...
Then Math homework.
Okay well let me know if you come up with any amazing tattoo designs that are warrior-like and spiritual and elemental really. I need ideas for my story.
Got to go!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Paramore - All I wanted studio version
and then I bounce back to Paramore :) Dear Heaven above how I love this song!! When will I ever scrounge up enough money to finally get this not-so-new CD????????????????????????
Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
Usually I rebel against listening to commonly heard groups that use the same old pop sound, but the Black Eyed Peas have always been an exception...
Black Eyed Peas - Make Them Hear You
Just sort of stumbled upon this. At first I thought my computer was acting up and putting Make Them Hear You underneath a Black Eyed Peas photo but as it turns at they actaully have a song called Make Them Hear You. The lyrics are pretty powerful, but over all a good song. I'm off to go do some driving, that is of course if we can find a spot wher I can't hurt anyone or their car accidentally. Wish me luck! Katie
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My Epic Cookies... I tried.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dear Heaven Above, Carey Mulligan... Gorgeous pictures!!!!
Also: has anyone else noticed that Blogger let's you upload multiple pictures at once now!? My GOD that is just too convenient; picture uploading will be much more shorter for me from here on out.
I don't think I need to explain why I love these photos; they're so stunning that they explain them selves really; however my favorites consist of the last three, on the bottom here. They're all literally heart stuttering pieces of work... Ohh I quite like that, heart-stuttering... just a thought.
Okay for real this time, I have to go to bed. Night to you all!
“Something clicks into gear when you look into someone’s eyes.” Carey Mulligan
New Tinker Bell Movie is Out!! ... Yeah I'm almost 15 and I'm excited, are you surprised???
I'm almost 15
and I love the Tinker Bell movies.
And the books.
You know? Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg??
That's like, the great American novel right there ;)
Not kidding though I actually LOVE the Tinker Bell series, call me a nerd if you want I don't care, because I totally am. My dad looked at me like I was crazy when I told him that earlier. I suspect that he finds it rather odd that I still have an interest in children's movies consisting of faith, luck, and pixie dust... oh well.
Well today resulted to me still not finding my cat :( which royally sucks cause tomorrow is day four and it's seriously breaking my heart at this point, I just want her to be home SO badly.... but here's the thing:
While I was out selling cookies today, which bye the way, I sold $309.82 of cookies today, thus paying the 2nd payment for my trip to Florida!!!!!!! SOOOO STOKED!!!!
But while I was out selling a family friend of ours said that last year, they lost their deaf, 19-year-old cat, and they found him at the market 6 miles away in February because he had gotten into the back of someones car and had been roaming that area for all of those months; can you believe that?! I'm not saying that a miracle like that would happen to me if it does turn into a long term thing, but that gives me some hope... hope that is much needed really. Every time I think about her wandering the neighborhood with other mean cats and bears and such, my heart drops, I take a deep breath and feel a sob lunge into my throat. This pain REALLY sucks, I can hardly stand it any more :(
Well... T.G.I.F! Tomorrow I wake up at 7, despite that it's Saturday, to drive two hours to play two softball games, and then come home to my sister and her friend having a sleepover and home work.
Ode to frickin' joy... pardon my harsh tone. I'm not exactly thrilled. Hoping to start driver's ed here soon though FINALLY! Not getting my permit on my birthday is NOT apart of the option here!!! So this weekend looks like:
*a possible (GOD I HOPE SO) photo shoot with Haley and Rachel. *Haley did you catch that???*
*trying to find my cat
*selling cookies to everyone in my neighborhood
This may be a tad bit difficult to do with only one spot left on my spread sheet....
I will make this work!
Also on the agenda, taking pictures from the October VOGUE that I find simply marvelous of course :) I might do that now, but odds are that it'll happen tomorrow. This is due to the fact that I really should be going to bed right now... Darn you Blogger, I'm becoming a blogging addict, grrrrrr.
Well I have lots of stories running through my mind right now, and yet my eye lids are dropping slightly.
And I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!!
I digress; a possible good night to you all.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
October Vogue Ladies (and Gentlemen). Oh me oh my I'm excited to break into this bad boy :)
My cat is still missing. I think I've cried five times today, at the least. I miss her so much that it's not even a matter to put off anymore.
Secondly school went fast today, and that's all that really matters here.
Looookkk whatttt IIIIIIIII gottttttttttttt :D I've been looking over the pictures of her photo shoot in the magazine, through a quick little skim here and there and
Oh. Me. Oh. MY!!
The excitement of course is helping me draw attention from the fact that it's day two and my kitty has still yet to come home.
I miss her so much that it's slowly breaking my heart; this is turning horribly painful.
Tomorrow: Friday. Oh yes! :) Hopefully it'll go quickly and then I'll continue with my search for the baby of the family and selling frozen foods for my choir trip.
Quite fun.
It's just like insane, trying to find your cat and going door to door asking "wanna buy some egg less cookies?????"
My life is SO interesting...
Haley I know what you're going to say so don't say it.
Thank you.
Alright well I want dessert... Sam took the last molten chocolate cake....
>.< Ice cream, that's where I'm going with this. Night to you all.
Colbert Report :D
I...um...no...wait, I....
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
And although I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to convince the rents to pay for a pair, I have been thinking myself, practically driving myself crazy.
What color do I get?!
I've decided black, thanks to Gavin really, pointing out that black goes with everything. But there was something unsettling about getting black boots. I mean they seem so... negative, so unhappy, colorless, really.
And then today
It hit me.
I could spray paint or hopefully even custom order them to have The Runaways Cherry Bomb on the back!!
Ingenious, I know right? I think they would look awesome that I would be so freaking excited to have a pair of shoes like that!!
Fingers crossed that I can hopefully come up with a solution as to how I would get that logo on there.
That's all for tonight, I retire now to my chamber, filled with clothes and papers that really need to be put away or at least tidied...
I am such a procrastinator...
that doesn't do much good....
So long!
Simple Secrets: Little kids have it easy
(just for the record those gray words that are impossible to read say: I remember the days when drama was someone stealing your crayos. just a heads up.)
Rain Storms, Lost Cats, and Molten Chocolate Cakes... today is just not my day :(
My dad puts it like this: "Now you know how parents feel when they can't find their kids, only what you feel is only a fraction of what we feel.
Deep breath, refocus the topic before I have the horrible urge to cry again.
Chocolate Molten Cake:
I HIGHLY recommend!! especially with the ice cream, it is a guaranteed road to happiness. I took this picture quickly before I relaxed on the couch and tried my best to not scarf this down in thirty seconds.
Yes readers, they're just that good.
Also: before softball practice I had play auditions for the Fall Play (takes place on November 19th, presented as a dinner theatre :)) I am QUITE excited! The play is melo-dramatic comedies that I believe were written by the director's. A loud, fun time was had by all. I actually received quite a few compliments about my facial expressions and comedic timing; I'm pleased with my self really, not to brag, seeing how I haven't performed in a real play since I was seven and did Children's Theatre in Seattle.
Well... it's amazing I'm still sane 'cause I've been turning into a whiny five year old at the most random times begging her dad to bring the cat home already, and it's just not been going very well.
I rest my case I leave you so I can think of ways to distract myself further. Sleep would help but I'm ina very creative mood right now so let's see if I can find something to do, shall we?
I should say "shall I?"...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Make Them Hear You (Ragtime)
Singing this in Choir! :) I absolutely adore it of course, however in this piece, the beginning is a little shaky, but ends beautifully!
God. I hate to admit it but I LOVE choir songs, call me a nerd if you want.
Or a Gleek, however I don't watch Glee so that would be counter productive, sorry to say.
Oh well good night, and remember! Send my cat home with your minds pretty please with whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and a cherry on top! I love her oh so very much, losing her would be like punching a whole through my chest, like Bella losing Edward, only times ten!
Oh gracious, Twilight references...
I wish you all the best of a good night sleep, ta-ta!
All I want is my Putty-Tat back :'(
Keep her in your thoughts my reader's, send her home with your minds pretty please! She's just a little baby after all :(
Wish me the best of luck, hope fully something more cheery tomorrow. I apologize again, my nerves are a little tense due to the thought of my lil' kitty running around in the big bad world...
Love always,
Kitty!!!!!! Get your butt home NOW! :'(
Oh Girl...
Now I don't really have much to tell you about how my day in the world beyond my door step but I can however tell you that this morning was rough seeing how I managed to misplace my Toaster Strudel.
Not the actual pastry the box.
Need I explain?
I was exhausted and right as I pull the box out of the freezer my dad starts talking to me, so with the box, I walk to the living room to talk to him and set the box down on the coffee table.
Only problem is: I forgot.
Of course I forgot...
well thus leading to five minutes of searching and getting annoyed at how my stomach was growling.
I just thought I would inform you, is all.
Any who I'm off to search the Internet and eat a snack before softball in an hour and a half.
Monday, September 20, 2010
A Bohemian Life Choice
You know while I was making this I was listening to A Whole New World from Aladdin. The irony...
My Life in 10 years :)
Is it quite possible that today is the day the weather will finally listen?! I hope So!!!!!!!
The weather! She is dark, and cloudy, and wonderfully beautiful! But best of all: today just might be the day where my hopes of it raining suddenly so that way softball will be cancelled, will hopefully come true today. Today! On a Monday! Oh the possibilities are wonderfully likely that I'm having trouble not screaming "Please Dear God let it rain!" out my front door.
Fingers crossed, knock on wood, cross your heart and kiss your elbow (My God I love Audrey Hepburn in that movie!) PLEASE LET IT RAIN!
Rain... gorgeous, wonderful, rain, come down from the heavens and wash away the world for just this one night... my friend, my unknown love, please turn the sky dark(er) and let the sweet music of booming thunder and the rain be heard on my metal roof.
This is all I ask of you Mother Earth, RAIN!!
I digress with my prayer to the rain, the earth, and my lacking of having a ride to softball... hee :)
Well today was surprisingly... I JUST SAW LIGHTNING!! COME ON, RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kay sorry, so today was surprisingly calm, dull, boring what have you (like always). Math: I passed my quiz with having only missed 3 problems, I am so stoked! (yes my vocabulary just dropped like... three I.Q points... JK).
Spanish: Mini quiz, that I also passed. I also had to be a teacher to this girl who I've heard does not seem to enjoy my company, if you will, although she's actually really nice... I had to translate our story to her through gestures while she translated. I got a sticker!! :) Lunch: I was once again lacked a lunch, I refuse to do this again. History: We presented our projects, my group didn't go, I bet you anything we'll go tomorrow. Chamber Choir:
...that was a very educational class lol, of course I enjoy it but I'm still slightly surprised about hearing words of a specific topic come out of my teacher's mouth that I don't even hear out of my fellow choir members. Never the less:
SO FREAKING HILARIOUS. I'm afraid I can't go into details, but I bet that whatever you're thinking is like way worse than what actually happened so don't freak out.
Oh yay I have a ride, lovely. Let's hope though that it won't be necessary and I can just stay home, make dinner, and watch the TLC channel in peace.
Are you reading that, whoever controls the weather?
Oooohhhh double lovely, my mama is home from New York :) She went to my cousin's wedding that I wished I could have gone to sadly, I hear it was beautiful :( dang I'm really regretting not pushing her into letting me go now.
Oh well.
So I have fashion matters that I think should be discussed for your general entertainment, but this is just an informant post you see. Which by the way, I'm watching Fabulous Cakes on TLC and I seriously have been considering becoming a baker for QUITE some time now. You'll understand what I mean if I write a post about it.
Oh me oh my, BIG thunder boom... Yay :)
Okay well awesome blossom opossum (my blog, my post, my vocabulary...) Byeee!
P.S I just realized that this post is basically pointless but I am absolutely bored.
"Those Days Were So Simple"
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Autumnal Pre-Photoshoot: Behind the Scenes.... I'm so excited for the actual shoot! :D
It was really more of a pre-shoot, ideas were hatched mostly out of a few images we took of accessories. You'll understand what I'm talking about when I post pictures from the shoot. I'm so unbelievably excited though for the outcome of the photos ahead, why I don't know but I'm prone to becoming exceptionally excited when a simply lovely idea comes to mind.
Here we have pictures I shot from behind while Haley was shooting pictures. We call them "The Pictures we took of the pictures from behind" not really I just came up with that.
It's more like Behind the Scenes Pictures; so here we are:
Back to the Future III Quote
Marty:... Great Scott.
Doc: I know. This is heavy.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
All they care about is school. I care about moving on with my life.... Sigh.
....Well damn, is that not the most antagonizing quote you've ever heard? Every time I read in Science I instantly feel like punching a wall or lighting a match under the poster that bears that quote.
I'm getting more and more pissed off at the concept of four more years of school, sorry...
No I'm not emotionally stressed or slowly going insane (okay that last one is a lie), it's just that I am in a horribly annoyed mood that it slowly turning into madness because of the fact that my expectations of high school consisted of learning something new, not going over the same sh*t that we've been learning since fifth grade. Do they honestly expect me to put up with waisting like another two months of my life figuring out the scientific method and adding fractions?
Don't answer that.
My point is: I'm slowly turning anti-learning and not wanting to wake up every day at 6:45 sharp just to go to feel like I'm waisting eight hours of my life every single freaking day for the next four years when I could be off doing better things with my life.
You know it's funny, I don't usually get this attitude until after Spring Break, high school really brings you down when you feel like you have nothing to look forward too...
I'm insanely BORED, and don't say "well maybe you should talk to someone about it and maybe you can work something out or switch classes"
My options are slim, but do you seriously think I haven't tried that yet?
I honestly and truly have that crying for the sake of crying feeling for like the 30 bajillionth time this week, is it seriously going to be like this for the rest of the year?
Look let's put it this way: I am questioning so many things about my life right now, that's it's becoming ridiculous. I bet you $5 (I'm being hypothetical, I don't even have five bucks to my name) that if I tried to explain this to my parents I would end up even more frustrated and crying and they would be saying "I don't understand what you're saying" over and over to the point where I get even more annoyed, or they'll tell me there's really nothing I can do.
That certainly does not help the subject at hand.
ah... you know.... ugh...... hmmm...
I hate this...
I still have this feeling, in my lungs mostly, that screaming or more writing would be most helpful, but I know from experience it's not going to be.
I really should just go to bed.
After all
I have Math tomorrow morning...
Where the hell is my Hogwarts letter.
September Outfits I would Love to Own
Possibilities right here :) Going to go get a brownie, be right back.
Something to Think About...
I think people are afriad of dying because...
...that just got me thinking. I don't think I've ever had such a confusing, self realization before, but anyway fill in the blank, I'm curious. I'll fill mine in when I can.
Can't it just br Friday already? Also: Hair Cuts and Suede Saddle Shoes. Awwww Yeaahhhhhh
Where do I even begin my unsatisfaction with Wednesdays?
I may seem over dramatic but Wednesday just feels like the absolute worst day to me, especially in a week where all you want to do is sleep in, watch movies, and not do anything for two days before you have to go right back to the same thing all over again. I honestly wonder: is there anything else to look forward to in the year, that's worth looking forward to?
Just an observation...