Thursday, September 02, 2010

Eh Ma GAWD, it's the Intern-et

I don't know about the title, that's just what I was thinking.
All day though I have been begging to use Internet/Blogger. I think I've said this... a million and one times, but I love you Blogger. I don't know why, but I do.
So if you look down... two posts? you will see my oh so lovely outfit I pieced together myself. I got some smarta$$ remarks on my hat like "Hey nice hat! *snicker snick snicker*" I looked them straight in the eye with a smile on my face and said "Hey thanks!" The look of confusion on their faces was rewarding enough. High school has actually taught me to laugh at myself but to also not care what people who I don't care what they say, say. So today was reassuringly lovely and calm. And simple because tomorrow I only have a half day because of a softball tourney :) I'm missing part of the home coming assembly though.
Okay I get the title now: Eh ma Gawd, one week until Spirit Week!?
Oh golly gee dayum how did this happen???
In case your wondering: Home coming looks like this:
Assembly where we cheer and what not, I don't know what happens there.
Parade... I wonder if that's tomorrow I'll be kind of disappointed if it is because I'll miss it, but I'm pretty sure it's next Friday.
Big Game that we'll win... hopefully.
Bonn Fire.
Home coming dance.
Oh yeah and we all have to dress up, and of course, being freshmen, we get the lowest pick of the bunch.
There's one day where it's jungle themed and so
Freshmen: Bugs
Sophomores: Plants
Juniors: Animals
Seniors: Tarzan and Jane
I was thinking of going as a lady bug, but my one friend told me that lots of girls are going as that, including her, so I'm just going to go as a bee or something.
Dressing up is not an option... I don't think it is anyway, otherwise I'm not going to but whatever.
I'm just kind of having minor paranoia's floating in and out of my mind. You know, Teenage Girl worries when I party-like event comes up. Odds are I'm going with my friends, and I'm trying to figure out what dress to wear. One I already own obviously.
But if any little event changes are to occur... don't count on me telling you; didn't your mother ever tell you to be careful what you post on the Internet? Blog life. Personal Life. Two different things... sort of. End of story. Good bye.
Right now: thinking of a Polyvore set/mini story series, watching Cake Boss and begging who ever's out there for one of Carlo's Bakery goodies. Might upload my first picture too, if I have time.
In fact, I'm going to do that now.
And close the door because the middle school football team is shouting pick-me-ups to one another.
See ya.

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