Thursday, March 10, 2011

I forget.

I forget.
I forget. by crazyuniqueKatieKate on
I forget what it's like to be in a family that feels real.
 I forget what it's like to feel like I'm home.
 I forget what it feels like to have a sister
and to be one.
 I forget what it's like to love.
I forget what it's like hold your hand.
 I forgot how my heart felt before everything happened
I wonder if it will ever feel that way again...
I forget how it feels to have sand between my toes and the ocean on my skin.
I forgot the feeling of wind through my hair
 and your arms around me...
I forget how it feels to be a little kid and to get in a decent amount of sleep.
I forget sometimes to be me.
I wonder what it's like to love to have your hand in mine.
 I wonder what would have happened if we were still home
 and how it would feel if we were still a family.
 I wonder what it's like to touch the sky
what it's like to fly
How it feels to really breath
 I wonder if I'll ever get that urge to sing instead of speak,
and dance instead of walk,
and not care who watches.
 I wonder how it would feel to lie on the grass and watch the clouds
with you.
I wonder what it's like to finally feel like myself...

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