Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rain to Sunshine, Bonn Fire to Paint War

Today it rained, adding more wonderment to the fact that the leaves have been changing from green to that magnificent gold I have been longing for forever now...
Just kidding I've only been wanting Autumn/Winter since yesterday :P It's because I've been craving the sensation of Christmas, Powder Days, and fudge. And of course Halloween and Thanksgiving and all of those grand holidays that get you out of school just so you can spend time with friends and eat food.
All in all though I loved looking outside in Literacy to hear rain on the windows and the sun hiding for the first time in what feels like forever.
When I got home I was thrilled at the idea of the sun hiding actually and the fact that I had no homework and softball had been cancelled was also quite lovely. Watching The Simpson's Movie was a little odd for my taste though, except for the one quote:
Lisa: But I'm just SO ANGRY.
Marge: You're a woman, you can hold on to it for the rest of your life.
Lisa: (whispers) Okay.
Then came the Bonn fire.
A quick note here that at my high school when it's home coming week, one night we have a Bonn fire. Of course as a freshmen the curiosity is a little maddening and so naturally we all had to go. It short and not very exciting really. The fire was raging hot and most likely singed the hairs on the back of my neck. But as hot as it was, it was still raining and cold, and got my cotton sweatshirt wet.
Then just as we thought nothing quite exciting was likely to happen, my friend who happens to be a junior walked up to me asking for a high five, and when I looked at my hand it was covered in paint. I opened my mouth to yell "ZACH DON'T YOU DARE-" but alas it was too late and he put his hands on either side of my face and smeared Valspur paint on my face and up into my freshly washed hair.
Instead of getting mad though I laughed and ran to the paint buckets, got this HUGE handful of brown paint, ran up behind him, and threw it all over the back of his shirt. Then I was ambushed by some of his friends/acquaintances of mine and paint was thrown all over my favorite sweatshirt. Then of course I attacked my friends, they fought back, and a war of paint broke out in the parking lot of our school, filled with angst-ful teenagers who were certainly not happy to be attacked and cars of juniors and seniors that were not to be touched with the permanent paint.
I would have taken a picture of my war paint for you all but alas my hands were covered in paint and I didn't want to get any on my phone.
Now I'm home though, watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you know the weird one with Johnny Depp that freaks me out a little bit personally, showered and unbelievably tired. I am so ready to go to bed that it's not funny really. However I'm craving a cup of tea and Cran-Pomegranate juice at the same time... is that weird?
Oh I also realized I have these pictures on my phone of me with my unusual morning outfit last Friday while sipping chocolate milk:

 I think the puppy dog slippers really top it off no? Outfit: *Forever 21 Floral Boyfriend Top
*Attempted Boyfriend Shorts I made *Puppy Dog Slippers I got for my...12th birthday? from my Aunt. *Nesquick my mommy made me because she loves me :)
I took these last Friday before school, no I did not wear the slippers to school. Unfortunately though I only wore it for two periods, then we had the home coming assembly where I had to wear my softball tee shirt that I wore today actually and I also wore it on the bus ride to Grand Junction.
Any who that's that.
I really should be going to bed but as you all know I love Blogger so odds are I'm going to be up for a little longer.
We'll see.

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