Friday, August 20, 2010

Fantastic. Awesome. SUPER. Great... Who am I kidding....

Well I am actually quite happy about the fact that I'm done with two-a-days, because I have to admit; waking up at 6:45 every day on the last week of summer royally sucks. But I have to go back to the high school later for a freshmen/senior BBQ and I don't know if I should be excited about this or just a tad bit concerned.
I know for a fact that I'm not one you would probably target for a prank, but being a freshmen that's usually a label.
I really hate labels.
But as it turns out the new principal is kind of strict I guess and got rid of Senior Prank Day. I'm happy about that but then what on earth are we going to do about the principal?
I shouldn't judge just yet; after all I'm not even in high school yet.
I'm actually really excited for it though; nervous, but SUPER excited!
I'm mostly happy about 1. Chamber Choir. 2. Art. 3. English Two 4. Softball. 5. Dances, Homecoming, stuff like that. Also in Chamber Choir we get to go on a trip to Disney World this year.
Oh yes :)
So let's see here: On today's agenda it looks like
*Blogging. Polyvore, Facebook, YouTube etc. etc.
*make boyfriend shorts
*Softball practice (which will hopefully be cancelled due to a sudden change in weather PLEASE! is inconveniently sunny out right now ad yesterday it was dumping buckets and apparently out field was underwater. I'm hoping for a small miracle that it will change again.)
*My friend Annie's Going Away Party :( she got accepted into this theatrical academy in California for Ballet...
*SLEEP IN!!! Double OH YES

Tomorrow I'm going rafting though so I actually don't get to sleep in that much but at least I won't have to wake up at 6:45.
Because that sucks.
In reality though my day looks like this:
*BBQ, get bored after a while and leave
*Blogger/Polyvore , which leads to me being lazy and not riding my bike to my mom's
*Go to bed, but then can't sleep so I end up writing/drawing/reading
*Still get 9 hours of sleep :)
Although while I'm lacking inspiration in both Blogger and Polyvore, if it happens, then I'm going to check out like I keep promising (and failing) to do.
There you have it.
So here's to starting my day.

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